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If you cannot find the question you are looking for, please contact us.

When can I start?

ACCM operates by Semesters; Semester 1 runs from February to June and Semester 2 from August to November. You must register or indicate your interest during the month before the start of semester (or earlier). If you wish to study within a cohort as opposed to self-study, please contact the Registrar. Please note that not all courses are available for cohorts every semester. All courses are available to those who wish to self-study and must be completed within six months of enrollment (you can also request an extension from the Registrar if needed).

Can I complete this course entirely online?

Yes! In fact, this is how the program is delivered by ACCM. You can study by yourself entirely online, or some regions have cohorts available (also completely online with added Zoom discussions). We also offer mixed-mode face-to-face learning intensives in some regions. Attendees at these events also have access to the web-based course resources.


How can I join a cohort or intensive?

Check the academic calendar to see which cohort courses are available for your preferred semester or if there is an intensive coming up in your region. Then contact the Registrar to confirm your place or obtain more information. Please note that all cohorts have four compulsory Zoom discussions.

What recognition will the program offer?

The ACCM Certificate and Diploma in Christian Ministry are denominationally recognized ministry qualifications. The Certificate in Christian Ministry comprises of the six core courses: Jesus and the Gospels, Christian Leadership, Doctrines, The Bible, Spiritual Formation, and Pastoral Care. The Diploma in Christian Ministry comprises of all ten courses: Jesus and the Gospels, Christian Leadership, Doctrines, The Bible, Spiritual Formation, Pastoral Care, Preaching, Effective Communication, Worship, and Applied Christian Ministry. Please note that not all courses are currently available.

ACCM Certificates and Diplomas are recognized by Grace Communion International. While it is not an externally accredited program (and thus the units of study are not transferable to other programs), it is a quality program designed to meet the needs of men and women serving in ministry within the church. While completion of the program is not in any way a guarantee of appointment to a particular role of service, it is anticipated that people serving in positions of congregational responsibility will undertake at least selected units of study. Of course, we recognize that many of our lay leaders already have other ministry education. The program is accessible for GCI ministry leaders and pastors to be equipped for service and to contribute to growing healthy churches. Members can undertake study for their own interest and receive recognition for successfully completing their study.
How long do I have to complete my course?

ACCM operates through Semesters (Semester 1: February – June and Semester 2: August – November) and if you are in a cohort, all work for each course must be completed within the semester of registration. Self-study students have six months from the day of enrollment to complete each course. Requests for extensions for cohort and self-study students should be directed to the Registrar.

Can I study more than one course per semester?

Yes! You can study as many or as few courses per semester as you like. Please remember that each course must be completed before the end of semester (if you are in a cohort) or within six months (if you are self-studying) unless you have obtained an extension from the Registrar.

Are there any prerequisites to commencing the Diploma or Certificate?

There are no prerequisites for the Certificate (6 core courses) or Diploma Program. While the first the nine courses of the Diploma Program are listed in a generally recommended order, this is not required and the courses may be taken in any order best suited to your individual needs. To view all the courses, see the Diploma in Christian Ministry course outline. Applied Christian Ministry is the capstone course for the Diploma Program and must be completed last.

What is the grading system?

In accordance with College policy, students will be awarded one of four grades: HIGH DISTINCTION, DISTINCTION, CREDIT or RESUBMIT. In addition to a student’s successful completion of the course, exercises and participation in discussion forums or Zooms (where applicable) assessors are examining submitted work on the basis of:

  • Ability to follow assessment instructions
  • Engagement with and comprehension of the course materials, supplementary resources, and any extra reading
  • Written or oral analysis and argument;
  • Structure and presentation of material where appropriate;
  • Cohesion between sections;

Detail used to support the overall points being made and

  • A HIGH DISTINCTION grade is generally awarded when the work submitted reflects exceptional standards in these assessment criteria. The student who scores a HIGH DISTINCTION has usually gone above and beyond the standard requirements.

A DISTINCTION grade is generally awarded when work submitted reflects high standards in these assessment criteria.

A CREDIT grade is generally awarded when work submitted reflects a reasonable standard in the above criteria – which is the target.

The RESUBMIT grade is given when the standard hasn’t yet reached the target level. We want you to succeed, so be sure to make use of the assessor’s feedback, which will be provided. This will consist of advice on where you can improve your assignment. You will then be extended opportunity for up to two resubmissions during the current period of your enrolment in a course. Please address any administrative questions regarding grades to the Registrar.

How will my work be assessed?

Your work will be personally assessed by an ACCM teacher and you will receive feedback and a grade from them. You will be able to view your grades and feedback on your student account.

About Plagiarism

All students should make sure that the work they submit for assessment is their own. ACCM does not tolerate plagiarism of any kind. Any student found to have plagiarized someone else’s work will be assessed as R (Resubmit) and will be asked to edit/redo their assessment and resubmit it.

What is plagiarism? Plagiarism occurs when you use someone else’s work, in part or in whole, without acknowledging them as the author or source. In other words, you are representing someone else’s work as if it were your own. What are some examples of plagiarism?

•Copying other students’ work
•Copying passages directly from text books, journal articles or any source from the internet
•Summarizing someone else’s words or ideas in your own words without full acknowledgment of sources

What should I do to avoid plagiarism?

Always acknowledge the ideas, words and images which are not your own by referencing the source.

Here is an example of acceptable referencing: “As Stewart Matthew explains regarding pastoral work: ‘…we are caring for people rather than dealing with problems’.”

All Ambassador College of Christian Ministry subject material is copyrighted and used for educational purposes under strict copyright laws and agreements. Material is for the student’s individual educational use only and must not be copied, published or distributed in any form. By undertaking any course on any basis with us, you are agreeing to abide by this proviso.  
What is the cost of doing a course with ACCM?

Courses include all online course content, video lectures, personalized feedback of assessments, and a wealth of additional resources such as book excerpts and articles. The Certificate and Diploma qualifications are denominationally accredited and recognized by Grace Communion International. The enrollment fee per course is AUD$300.

How can I obtain degree verification and transcript information?

Ambassador College of Christian Ministry (Australia) provides transcripts, documentation and other services for alumni of our Program.

For inquiries, please contact the Registrar.

Contact  for transcript information for alumni of:

•Ambassador University
•Ambassador College in Pasadena, California,
•Ambassador College in Big Sandy, Texas, or
•Ambassador College in Bricket Wood, England